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KleptoCats Free Tips & Tricks

  • Votes: 757
  • Updated: 5 days ago
  • Category: Tips
  • Developer: HyperBeard Inc.

Tips & Tricks – KleptoCats tips and tricks best on the internet. With cheat codes and hack tool for KleptoCats and all it is free for all our users.

Tips and Tricks for KleptoCats

And finally in Room , look for the ID that shows the name “Carlos.” Entering that as the password will reveal a cat sitting in a chair, and will reveal all of the secret lab, giving you full access to it. Make sure you drag your screen to view the lab when you’re prompted, as that will be your sole chance to do so.

You can view your puzzle pieces in the cupboard, and when you finish the puzzle, you get a free bonus kitty to add to your collection. Though the game itself is simple and sweet, Kleptocats actually has some engaging writing and mystery behind its fuzzy exterior.

First, enter the secret code “Help” into the Safe, as that is the message that the letter magnets spell on the refrigerator in Room .

How do you find the puzzles in Kleptocats?

You can get extra gems from a secret safe, but for that you will have to search for clues in your room. Get Gems from a Super Secret Safe Tap the book icon at the top of the screen. Tap “Settings” You will see a secret safe icon. Tap it and enter the code. To get the secret safe, make sure you have updated the app.

At the start of KleptoCats you will have two cats, which means you’ll get new items at a reasonable rate, but since the game features many more kitties to unlock, the player can have more than a dozen furballs if they want.

The main point of the game is to fill up your large and rather empty room with as much of your cats’ stolen goods as you can. (For tips and a full list on all the different items in the bedroom, check out A Guide to Getting the Full Bedroom Inventory in KleptoCats).

How do you get the gem dog in KleptoCats?

In this game, you send your pet cat off into the wilderness to steal new objects to help fill up your very empty bedroom. With some time (and in-game currency), you can also acquire new and funky-colored cats – to hang out and play with your ill-gotten gains, or to send off on thieving missions of their own.

Kleptocats was originally released on March th, , making Kelptocats Hyperbeard’s oldest game available on the Google Play store!

Hyperbeard’s co-founder and director, Antonio Uribe, first started to develop a concept for a Kleptocats web series before last year’s Pixelatl, where he had initially planned to pitch it to networks. Instead, he met Thalia Machuca of Platypus Animation, a studio based out of Guadalajara.

How do you open the safe in KleptoCats 2?

    Available Tips for KleptoCats

  • Special Deal – $0.99 >GET NOW FOR FREE<
  • Package with 10 Gems – $0.99 >GET NOW FOR FREE<
  • Package with 25 Gems – $1.99 >GET NOW FOR FREE<
  • Gem Pack Sale – $2.99 >GET NOW FOR FREE<
  • Package with 200 Gems – $9.99 >GET NOW FOR FREE<
  • Package with 70 Gems – $4.99 >GET NOW FOR FREE<
  • Room Deal 1 – $2.99 >GET NOW FOR FREE<
  • Room Deal 2 – $5.99 >GET NOW FOR FREE<
  • Room Deal 3 – $8.99 >GET NOW FOR FREE<

KleptoCats Free Hack

Hacks for KleptoCats

You will need at least purple gems to buy a cat. In rare occasions, your feline friend will bring those gems. However, if you want them quick, you can exchange coins for them. You will need to spend coins to get a purple gem.

To collect every inventory item ( in total), you will have to send your selected kitty out on a theft mission. The cat will leave, on average for – minutes, and bring you back its new conquest (as of the recent patch, instead of a duplicate item, it will bring back a sack of coins).

First, enter the secret code “Help” into the Safe, as that is the message that the letter magnets spell on the refrigerator in Room .

What is the story behind KleptoCats?

And finally in Room , look for the ID that shows the name “Carlos.” Entering that as the password will reveal a cat sitting in a chair, and will reveal all of the secret lab, giving you full access to it. Make sure you drag your screen to view the lab when you’re prompted, as that will be your sole chance to do so.

You can view your puzzle pieces in the cupboard, and when you finish the puzzle, you get a free bonus kitty to add to your collection. Though the game itself is simple and sweet, Kleptocats actually has some engaging writing and mystery behind its fuzzy exterior.

After getting the Telephone, tap on it to hear a series of Morse Code. It translates to “this is not real” After getting the Subway Ticket and Mug, it will show “-“

How many cats are there in Kleptocats 2?

Kleptocats Lobby Safe Codes & Secrets Safe Code #: The master comes (This one is found by oding the Morse Code message on the wall over the stairs) Safe Code #: This is not real (you will need the Telephone to use this one) Safe Code # He here (You will need the Newspaper to use this one).

The orange items that your cats sometimes bring back are essentially pieces to a jigsaw puzzle, and once you’ve completed the puzzle, you will get a bonus cat. Look for the puzzle pieces in the cupboard in your room – it’s located behind the toy mummy, just in case you cannot find it right away.

Where to find it. In Kleptocats, a slight chance that when you ring the bell, instead of your cat coming to give you what it has found, it will appear wearing your cat’s clothing. It is holding a gem, coin and an item that your cat would have brought to you.

KleptoCats Cheat Codes

Cheats for KleptoCats

First, enter the secret code “Help” into the Safe, as that is the message that the letter magnets spell on the refrigerator in Room .

There are five different ways to earn coins in Kleptocats: – Getting them from your cat after sending him for a walk. – Playing the tap-a-paw mini-game when your cat goes out for a stroll. For every paws you tap, you get one coin.

To collect every inventory item ( in total), you will have to send your selected kitty out on a theft mission. The cat will leave, on average for – minutes, and bring you back its new conquest (as of the recent patch, instead of a duplicate item, it will bring back a sack of coins).

What is the secret room in KleptoCats?

You can view your puzzle pieces in the cupboard, and when you finish the puzzle, you get a free bonus kitty to add to your collection. Though the game itself is simple and sweet, Kleptocats actually has some engaging writing and mystery behind its fuzzy exterior.

You Shouldn’t Have More Than Three Cats At the start of KleptoCats you will have two cats, which means you’ll get new items at a reasonable rate, but since the game features many more kitties to unlock, the player can have more than a dozen furballs if they want.

KleptoCats has a story that is developed while collecting objects. Due to the randomness of the order you may collect the objects, some users may discover it sooner or but for others, it may take a while. The object that makes it very obvious that something is strange, is the mirror.

What is the point of KleptoCats?

Coins are the in-game currency needed for upgrading different in-game parameters such as parts. You also need gold to skip enemies in Quick Fights. Complete Championship Stages and get yourself some gold, as well as a Skill Point, Gems, and a Supply Box.

After getting the Telephone, tap on it to hear a series of Morse Code. It translates to “this is not real” After getting the Subway Ticket and Mug, it will show “-“

Kleptocats : Tips and Tricks to get More Coins and Unbox Kitties Don’t Waste Coins to Send Kitties. Sharing or No Sharing, You will still get Your Reward. . Two Simple Games That Will Earn You Lots of Coins in a Short Time. . Tap Kitty Poo to Get Rewards. . Keep an Eye on Angel Cat and the Flaming Kitty.

Tags for KleptoCats

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  • Bitmap

    It worked when i started it the second time. I got a little scared at the beginning, it didnt work the first time i tried it :D

  • Bowie6

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  • Decay00

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  • Steel

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  • BlacKitten

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  • Breadmaker

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  • SnowReaper

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